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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
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      The more time I spend here, the less it appears to be a website; In fact I do not even remember when was the last time I thought it so. The more time I spend here, the less I feel the urge to write out of compulsion. Instead, I find an increasing joy in simply reading others and to write out of inspiration. The more time I spend here, the less the credits at the top and bottom seem to matter; I no longer watch the stars; I no longer try to capture the rainbow colors into the safety of my briefcase. The more time I spend here, the more I rediscover the lost art of conversation; To ‘listen”, to “talk”, to “agree and disagree” and then “agree to disagree” and move gracefully on to the next topic. And to “take-away” from this conversation, something that I can use, in the manner my intellect imagines useful; perhaps what any writer wants most of all. The more I do so and apply to my own environment; Voila! I find I have discovered the “key” to change, to alter significantly my environment. I have rediscovered a “sensitivity” to the world around me, to respond rather than to simply react, and, to appreciate the nuances of and the gifts our environment has to offer to each. Perhaps it is the focus enforced upon, working undisturbed, in the quiet lateness of night on a computer,
unavailable in the humdrum chaos of our other world; but the same “key” works in the other world too! If this is all that is offered here, I say, go on! Take the plunge and register yourself here forwith! There is so much more! Don’t take my word for it; find out for yourself what I mean!
-- Prash
      I can remember best friend Pam calling me from work to tell me when she was promoted to Mod, and also for the day she received an awardicon. Stories.Com does that to you. It's infectious!
      I have never expected before that a site this wonderful ever existed... it is indeed wonderful. It is hard to find writers like me in my place; I guess most of them think it's just a waste of time. Anyway, this site has helped me a lot. The writers here supported me a number of times and even encouraged me to "Write On!" This time, I think I can write as long as I live. All thanks to Stories.Com.
      This shall be my second testimonial of our favorite writing home! Lately, I've been feeling a bit under the weather with my writing, and for the past four years I've struggled to find the words I needed to let my writing say what I needed to say. Since I've been with Writing.Com for over 3 years now, I can't help but see that I'm getting better about it every day. I feel that when you're a writer, it's a skill that you're born with, but the challenge of being a good writer is to hone that craft that you've been blessed with. This site challenges me every day to be a better writer. I not too long ago allowed everyone to see what I was hiding from them, deeming as too imperfect to allow on here. However, I've decided that this is my safehaven, and I have just as much of a right to share what may not be beautiful to those who can relate with it. Every day that I wake up and come on here and see a rate or review for work that I thought wasn't good enough for me but was heartfelt for someone else, I smile, knowing that my words, my most powerful ally in this world, have helped not only me, but someone else. If it weren't for this place, I'm not sure how often I would challenge myself, not only to be a better writer, but a better listener, reviewer, and helper all around. Thanks for such a wonderful place. I know I'll be staying here the rest of my days.
      I don't remember how I found Stories.Com, but I haven't left since... I am addicted... I haven't written this much in years... It is such an inspirational and motivational site... Everyone is so nice, and so generous with their reviews and ratings... that's what keeps us on here writing and reading; the fact that we are all helping each other succeed at something we LOVE... we are following our passion, and no one is judging us.
      I have to say thank you to Stories.Com. I absolutely love this place. I can have my work rated and reviewed, which helps me a great deal. I find myself coming back several times during the day. I cannot stay away! This was a great idea for a website. Good going!
      Stories.Com rocks my world! This place is amazing, there aren't any words to describe how completely awesome the Stories.Com experience is, and I'm a writer! I signed up here on September 23, 2000. Since that day, I have grown as a writer, and as a person. As a side bonus, I've also learned how to work my computer. *Smile* I'm here at least once a day, sometimes more, and usually for over an hour just responding to e-mails and posts in my favorite forums. I've made so many friends here, and everyone I've ever encountered has treated me with respect and kindness. When I posted my first story here, I was in the 7th grade. At that time, I was too shy to show anyone at home what I had written, not even my own parents! After a few months (and a lot of great reviews) at Stories.Com, I finally got up the courage to start showing people my work. Thank you StoryMaster and StoryMistress, this site really is the greatest place in the world.
      STORIES.Com is wonderful, great, fantastic, marvelous, amazing, astonishing, astounding, miraculous, staggering, strange, stupendous, surprising, wondrous, cool, divine, glorious, groovy, peachy, sensational, super, swell, and terrific. I think I like it!
      Happy Birthday, Stories.Com! This year has gone by so quickly. I pause to say thanks, for providing an easy way to communicate with my peers and a forum to display and discuss my work. The kind words from others are a real inspiration. I enjoy helping others and contributing to my new creative community. Literate individuals sometimes feel misunderstood, and Stories.Com has provided unity and opportunity for artistic expression. I feel I am a better writer now, because I belong to this wonderful menagerie of imaginative wordsmiths.
      Stories.Com is like a dream come true for those of us who love to read. There are so many different authors and genres to choose from that I have to force myself to shut the computer down each evening. Thanks for creating a place to read and be read.
-- Diane
      Isn't this site just amazing? I mean, you can tell all the hard work that goes into it by the fact that it gets better every day, and it's always updated, always changing. I discovered this while randomly looking for somewhere to read, and now I visit every day, and while on holidays I go to internet cafes so that I can check what's happening. IMO, this is the best site on the net. Viva Stories.Com!
      I joined the site in October 2001. I've read many testimonials and thought to myself - I should write and say how much I enjoy it and then again, they have so many that everyone knows how wonderful they are! By writing this testimonial, I can validate for myself all the emotions and life I've passed through since joining. I could be quite dramatic and bear witness to the many wonderful things I've enjoyed with Stories.Com. No, I will just say "thank you" from the very depth of my soul. Thank you to StoryMaster and StoryMistress for having the foresight and knowledge to produce such a living, viable tool for so many.
      Stories.Com has seen me through some extreme low points in my life. No matter how the world was changing around me, I knew that there was always one thing I could depend on and that's Stories.Com. The friends, the authors, and everything about it keeps me coming back any spare time that I have to come online. The ability to do all these great things just expands my want to write so much and I love Stories.Com because of this.
      Through my daily rummaging though the Internet, I stumbled across Stories.Com one day. I have to say that ever since that day I am a little bit happier. I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of posts I could read, and the wide variety of topics that appeal to me. Stories.Com allowed me to post my writing and get honest reviews. Thank you, Stories.Com!
-- Jax
      Isn't it amazing how such a relatively simple idea can bring so many people together! I have been a member of Stories.Com for almost a year now, and have not once looked back or regretted my decision to join. I have met many new people - albeit, faceless strangers - and have thoroughly enjoyed the R&R's, E-mails, forums and everything else that makes up ths site. Personally, I write solely for my own pleasure, and having a place where I can post my stories and receive honest opinions about my writing no matter how poor it might be (or how good, hey, self praise 'cain't hoit', can it?), must be a bonus. In all seriousness, some of the stories I have read here are absolutely brilliant - there is some poorer stuff, but you can learn from this site, learn a helluva lot - and deserving of a publishing contract, and that's no bull. Stories.Com is to be congratulated, and deserves a lot more publicity than it's presently getting. I want to thank everyone involved with Stories.Com for giving writers the chance to air their stories, articles, poems and views. That includes all the members that have made up such a wonderful little community. And that thank you is from the very bowels of my black, empty heart. LOL. And to any Publishers visiting? Read well my friends, there is some brilliant stuff here, and that is coming from someone who has been writing for over twenty years, and has published and edited a fiction magazine. Give 'em a chance guys, you won't be disappointed!
      Stories.Com is wicked cool! My friend Brandi recommended it to me and it is so great to finally get some input on what people think of my stories! It's the best to log in and have a comment on a story in my inbox- there is nothing like it.
      I was always told by family I had a gift, of course they have to say that. I found Stories.Com and I feel the feedback I get is real. From people who don't have to say something nice, but do. I also get a lot of good advice and ideas reading other people's work. I used to waste a lot of time on the computer just surfing, now I spend quality time on Stories.Com. Thanks for the site.
-- Marti
      What a wonderful place to post our poetry, stories or any other piece of writing we choose! I don't think I can go a day without reading or writing something here and it's wonderful how many excellent writers are here! It's a wonderful tool for all and a great boredom fixer. I give this site a perfect *5* for excellence!
      I've been a reader from the age of four, and a writer from the age of six or seven. That said, I was surprised and thrilled to find this site in the search for new and exciting work. Though I have been here nearly a year, I'm not nearly as active in the site as I intend to be--I've been too busy trying to get down with everything that's been swimming in my brain and begging for attention for so long...

But enough about me; on to the virtues of Stories.Com! The myriad ways from within the site to read others' works and obtain feedback on your own work, be it through Stories.Com Email, Discussion Forums, the "Shameless Plug" Page, or the Stories.Com Insant Messaging system.... it's mindblowing, the capacity of an individual writer to successfully make themself known and acknowledge their audience. This site basically, well, makes it easier to be a writer! Kudos!
      Stories.Com is a great site for writers and readers alike! It's really great to get reviews+ratings from other people on your work and it's also very fun searching for a good story or poem! I've read many stories that are truthfully book material and many poems that really should be published in a book! Also people here seem to be very friendly and willing to help you out! This really is a great site! It gives writers a chance to get publicity for their work and have some motivation to get their work published! Simply a helping hand for writers trying to get their work published! ^_^
      I have been a member of Stories.Com for over a year now, and in that year, I have discovered many things about this wonderful site. Not only is Stories.Com a place where we can share our written work with one another, but because of The StoryMaster's creative know how, we are able to receive invaluable feedback on how to improve our writing. In addition to all of the wonderful features such as Interactives, In and Outs, User Polls, and Creative Campfires that Stories.Com offers its members, what separates Stories.Com from any other writing site is the interactions between its members. In the purest sense of the word, Stories.Com is a family. Here, we are a community who shares a love for reading and writing. That love has formed a bond that is nurtured and cared for through one another’s writing style, creativity, friendship, and diverse personalities found within the site. Because of The StoryMaster, The StoryMistress, and Stories.Com, we are able to share our experiences, thoughts, and friendships with one another. Thank you for giving us Stories.Com, StoryMaster, and thank you, my family, Stories.Com.
      Stories.Com has helped me greatly in achieving what my writing is today. The words just flow from my mind as I type. Everyone is so friendly and always willing to help, so no matter how you get stuck there is always somebody to ask. Stories.Com is a great writing community which unites people from around the world in a friendly, fanatic environment.
      Thank you Stories.Com for all you've given me / For taking my dreams and putting them into reality / I wanted friends who'd care and dry my tears / I wanted recognition for the words I hold so dear / I wanted love, and I found it here / What more can I ask? Tell me what can I do? / To repay you, all I can say, is Thank You.
-- rain
      I`m new to Stories.Com. Not being a writer I had no idea where to start, so this is great! Thank you, Stories.Com. People have been too kind.
-- Lane
      Ok, I'm not gonna make this sound like just your normal testimonial. You see, I like to be more subtle. I first found this site about a year ago via google or yahoo or something like that, and ever since then, I've been hooked. There's so much to do and read, it is just phenomenal. I like the way authors receive feedback on their work from other writers as well as readers. The sense of community within the site is staggering. And... you probably saw this coming, but... Thank you.
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