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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
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      A big, HUGE thank you to you, Stories.Com, for giving me the confidence I needed in myself to continue writing. I had folders full of things just lying around because I never thought my writing was good enough for anyone to read. Then I met Haizey (love ya girl!) and she introduced me to YOU! Since then, with my reviews, ratings and the day I became a preferred author.. I have a pen in hand everywhere I go. Thank you so much. And to all our new registered authors, WELCOME TO STORIES.COM!!!
      I am so glad to be a member of the Stories.Com community! There is so much to do here, so many people to meet, so many things to read! Every time I go on-line, I spend all my time on here, writing and reading. It's such a great place for me to showcase my works and find new favorite pieces, and also meet people that love to write as much as I do! Keep up the good work, Stories.Com!!!
-- Roxxie
      I stumbled onto this site quite by accident, and I'm glad I did! I have been writing all my life, without the confidence to show my works. This site is wonderful. The support, constructive criticism and ability to interact with fellow authors has encouraged me to re-ignite my imagination and let the stories flow....
-- Pam
      I came across this site about a week ago simply by wondering what would be at the URL www.stories.com. I found out sure enough, and at a terrible time: right in the middle of my study for exams. I haven't seen anything so addictive since usenet, and factoring in my love of reading and writing, Stories.Com is without question the best thing I've ever seen on the WWW, and with the enormous volume of participation possible, I'm likely to spend a large majority of my post exam time right here; that is, when I'm not writing new stories for submission.
      This site has been wonderful for me. Not only has it provided great inspiration and a forum to show off my work, but more importantly, it has reaffirmed my faith in my abilities.
-- Lively
      Stories.Com has become my new favorite web site! My daughter enlightened me, and now I can't get enough! I find it to be a very motivating venue, and an excellent cure for writer's block. Thank you for being there!
      Space may be the final frontier, but thanks to Stories.Com, we can all explore the frontier of imagination, and the boundless creations contained within.
      I didn't need to read more than ten testimonials to conclude that whatever praise I might say about this site has already been said many times by others. This site is our own personal stress-buster on call day and night... medicine for the senses. Wonderful! Those in charge deserve an award and recognition.
-- gailey
      Thanks for liberating writers from the pompous tyranny of paper pushers.
      Time for a new testimonial! At the time of this writing, I've been here nearly seven years, and I still love it. I've watched the site go through a lot of growth and of course, change. It's that way with the people here too. It is what we make of it. This site is for everyone: young, old, new writers, known writers, poets, novelists, essayists, editors and readers, and myriad others. This is still a home away from home for me and from where I'm sitting, it will be for a good long time.
      A friend told me about Stories.Com. I love the site because it allows me to express what I think without having to pay huge publishing costs. I think the feedback system is really good because it helps people to improve.
-- Goldie
      For years I have been trying to find somewhere where I can write my stories
in peace and quiet. Stories.Com gives me that privilege and now my stories
of "The Little Kidz" can be found online, which is where I have always
wanted them to be! Thank you Stories.Com!!
      This site is perfect for those who don't like to write stories because
Stories.Com makes it fun! It's perfect for those who don't like to read
because Stories.Com makes it exciting. People can choose what they want to read, instead of what they have to read.
-- Bernie
      I really like the interactive stories. They are certainly the best part of
-- Drache
      Stories.Com is a great site. It allows its users to have others read and critique their stories. It also allows the user to let friends and relatives read their stories who otherwise wouldn't be able to. This not only makes the user a better writer but also starts what can be lifelong friendships.
      Stories.Com has been a great vehicle for me to get my creative writing juices flowing again. I had not been writing seriously for about 10 years until I found this site. I spent a few hours reading the work on the site and became excited and inspired. If you are any kind of writer at all; novice, intermediate, advanced, there is a place for you at Stories.Com. Now, I'm sure I will never find an excuse to stop writing ever again.
      Stories.Com is a great site for meeting other writers and storing your stories and poems. You can even create your own interactive story or opinion poll.
      Our mission here at "Stories.Com" is to create the most useful and most
interactive site on the 'net to bring authors together with their audience.
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