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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
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      My goddaughter, Michelle, recommended that I check out this site when we heard the news that WrittenByMe was about to shut down. I've been here since the last part of February, and I'm still totally overwhelmed by it all!!! So many different directions to go. I feel like a kid with a large sum of money (perhaps, a million dollars) who has been let off at a shopping center that includes among its attractions: a toy store, a candy store, a pizza parlor, an arcade, and an amusement park. Perhaps, Mall Of America--perhaps, something even larger than that!!! Maybe, like the same kid who also has a private plane for commuting between
Mall Of America, Disneyland, Disney World, every Six Flags on the map, other amusement parks and malls, and even to other countries to enjoy some of the same kinds of attractions!!! Even now, I've only begun to describe the thrill of all of the wonderful directions to go here with friendly and helpful people all over the place!!! Although I also write for other sites, I consider Stories.Com to be my number one writing site, and I don't see that changing very soon, if ever!!!
      I was another lost sheep who discovered Stories.Com by accident. I was trawling the internet looking for something decent to read, when a search engine threw up this name. It was exactly what I was looking for, and I've never looked back. The thing that continues to amaze me is the sheer quality of writing available to read. I don't think I've ever read a badly written story on the site. I'm not saying I havn't read stories I didn't like, but even in the ones I didn't find interesting personally I can still recognize a ridiculously high level of talent. Cheers Stories.Com.
      I found Stories.Com about six months ago. It was divine revelation. I have tried my hand at writing for most of my life, but before discovering this site, I didn't have the chance to really share it with the world. Stories.Com has helped me improve my writing, communicate with other writers, and push my boundaries as a writer. Without it, I wouldn't know what to make of the words I put to paper.
      January 1, 2003 – A year ago, I became a Stories.Com Moderator, but today, as I take my normal tour through the site and check out what is new, I find myself celebrating my anniversary as a Writing.com Moderator. With the start of a new year change is inevitable, I think of Stories.Com as a tiny town where the word spread quickly, that it was, indeed, the best writing community to be part of. Now, I can’t help but smile, as our tiny town has grown into a this wondrous city befitting of its new name Writing.Com. / First testimonial: Having written for many years 'for my eyes only', it was an unrealistic dream to think that anything I was doing was of any value. That is until, I ventured onto a site called Stories.Com late one night (alright it was early morning). Anyway, within five minutes, I was convinced that this was a cool place to be. It took no time at all to get acquainted with people on the site, and see the possibilities for growth. Now, after being here for eight months, I couldn't think of anywhere else to be. Stories.Com gave me a place to call home, people to call friends, and a portfolio to keep it all neat and tidy.
      You know what? This site has changed me! I am a better person because of Stories.Com. My life is one of struggle being a single hard working and home schooling mom but with
Stories.Com I have found great pleasure and ease in my life. I am proud that others have enjoyed my works. That says it all because before my cancer I don't think the word proud was in my vocabulary. Thank you for sprouting wings and being such special angels to create such a wonderful
home away from home. Someday my goal is to become a premium
member though so far this place has surpassed every desire
I've had for writing and it's made me whole. Thank you
again, God bless you.
      I found Stories.Com about a week ago. Since then, I have upgraded myself, purchased gift points, and posted several
items. I plan on going nowhere else. As a child, I would write little stories, and make up plot lines for my favorite
cartoons. As a teenager, I abandoned writing, unless I was forced to do it for a class. When I started college, I got
too swept up in other things to ever write by choice. Now, as a college Senior, I find it a neccessary part of life
again! I was having a conversation with a friend, who asked me what my passion was. Sadly, I couldn't think of any. I told him I was passionless, and he told me that was impossible. After more thought, I realized what my passon used to be - writing. He told me that real passions don't ever go away, and I see now that he was right. I love Stories.Com. I've always been shy with my work, and I don't show it to hardly anyone. Here, I am a faceless
name. I can get feedback without feeling like I have put myself in a vulnerable position. I feel that after being a
member for a while, I will eventually be able to show my work to people in my own life. Thank you, Stories.Com, for
bringing back my "passion"!
      Stories.Com keeps me going. It is a place to tell people about myself and show them just what I can do and get feedback for it. This place has accelerated my writing talent beyond what I thought I'd be able to reach. This place is a dream that each writer and artist holds in his hands. Let this dream grow. Thank you all so very much for making this my home.
      I stumbled across this site looking for somewhere to publish my work. Until that point, only a few (unfortunate!) friends had seen my work. Now I am getting feedback and reviews of my work from all sorts of people. Anyone can love their own work but to have someone critique and review it is something else. Without this my work would never change or improve. I've even joined a group which is great as it gives a wider audience to my work. I cannot now imagine writing anything without putting it here on this site. Thanks to all those who have reviewed and commented on my work.
      I'm almost one year old in this site. April 19 would mark the day I first stumbled upon this incredible haven for ideas-Stories.Com. I could never give enough thanks to this site that not only improved my writing but also gave me a handful of new friends and mentors. Truly, anyone would learn to appreciate the art of writing by becoming a member of this site. It is through Stories.Com that I discovered that the depth of ideas is IMMEASURABLE.
      Being along there in years, I have found Stories.Com to be a "best friend" - I love to write, and this has given me the
opportunity to meet some great people who share my interest and love of writing. I wish to publicly thank the anonymous
person who gave me the gift of a 6 month premium membership! It was something I couldn't afford to do myself, but was hoping for! God does answer prayers, He gave me people like you! Thank you all!
      I found this site by accident just over a year ago, and have been hooked ever since. I have made some wonderful friends on here, and enjoy every moment on here. I have even made this my home page. I would like to thank you one and all for reading my work, and for sharing your work with me. There are some outstanding authors on this site, all of them willing to help each other. I have had many many reviews, and not one of them has ever been a bad one. Always helpful. Thank you Stories.Com, you are the very best.
-- Joanne
      I have been with Stories.Com for over a year. Most of the first year I would visit irregularly, to add a bit to my portfolio or to find something to read. I have been writing for years, as a stress release, as a way to express my thoughts and feelings, as a way for me to think things through, but I have not shared my creations with others till I found Stories.Com. Now I not only share with others that love writing as much as I do, but I also find more then I can find time in a day, to read. I am so thankful for the two that started this wonderland. Being able to come here, as just another small, insignificant person in this vast world of unrecognized authors, who are transformed, by being authors here, into recognized and important people who others enjoy sharing time with. I am a hermit, but here I find the contact of other humans that I still crave from time to time. In this safe haven, that I have come to love. Thank you all, for sharing this awesome place with me.
      Six months ago, after twenty-five years of not writing, I picked up a pencil again and found an empty to page to store my thoughts. That journal was the home for my words for a little while, until quite by accident, I found this place. Nothing has been quite the same for me since. My words have a home. One filled with people who love words as much as I do and who are willing to share their words and stories with others. Nothing could have prepared me for the way I feel about this place, nor could anything prepare me if I were to lose it. I'm just thankful that two wonderful people had a desire to build their dream and share it with me. Thank you!
      Thank you Stories.Com!!! Today I have been with you for a month. And I couldn't be happier. I never thought of myself as much of a
writer before joining. But since becoming a member my confidence has grown so much. I have also been trying out a lot of the different
types of writing that Stories.Com provides and it has helped me to grow. I love the community and have made a few friends. This is
a wonderful site and I look forward to meeting new people and reading many more wonderful works of talent. Thanks Again
-- Starr
      I first came to this site about 6 1/2 months ago, simply because someone said that the people on this site would read and review a story I was working on. When I came here, I was in awe of all of the options that it gave its members and registered right then and
there. Of course, it took me a while to figure out exactly how the site worked, but then I began to make friends on this site, who explained to me how to do everything. Those first people I met are now some of my best friends! On this site, I don't have to worry
about anything - not my image, not what I'm wearing or how my hair looks, nothing except writing. This site has changed my life so much and every time I meet someone who asks me to recommend a great site to read and write stories, the first words out of my mouth
are Stories.Com. Thanks to all of y'all who have made this site a second home to me!
      Putting something that you've worked hard on and feel good about on the web, and having complete strangers tell you that it's good stuff is an unimaginable experience, especially for someone with a small ego like me. Stories.Com is the only place I know of that can give you that feeling, and after being a member for around a year, my ego has grown substantially larger. Whether that's good or bad, only time will tell.
-- Bookie
      My experiences on Stories.Com unlocked my creative being, and I thank the StoryMaster and StoryMistress for making this site available for me, and countless others, because if it weren't for this piece of the immense world of cyberspace, I wouldn't be who I am today, honestly. My passion for writing would have dispersed before my eyes, flickered away like dying coals, and I would have been doomed to travel the beaten cigarette and weed-smelling road with all my former friends. Not only did Stories.Com help me excel, but also, it lead me to wondrous options. I'll be with this site until the end.
      I've been writing ever since I can remember. Writing and reading has always just been there for me. I've always loved it, but unfortunetely never really concentrated on it. Sometimes I would have an idea for a story, write a chapter and it would end up falling apart. It was frustrating because I could never keep my interest with it, and I never understood why. But then, last summer when I typed in "www.Stories.Com" at the top of my screen and pushed enter, I suddenly understood everything. I lost
interest in my ideas because I had no one to share it with! None of my friends or family wrote, and never even read! I was the odd one out and alone about it. Until stories.com. The more time on Stories.Com the better my writing became. The more I opened, the less I lost interest. Suddenly, when I wrote a chapter, I didn't get stuck because someone would be there to say that they couldn't wait for the next one, or that maybe I should change this one part or, oh! They had an idea! It was completely new for me, and I loved it. So, after all of this long thing about my writing... I have one thing to say. Stories.Com has changed my life!
      I've been writing for years yet I was always afraid to let others see my work. Thanks to Stories.Com I am no longer afraid to write and I have been greatly encouraged by others! I've always dreamed of having a book published (who here hasn't?) and I'm hoping someday that will be a reality! On a side note, Stories.Com has kept me out of trouble. I no longer spend a lot of time bidding on Ebay! My time is now spent doing something much more rewarding!
      I am relatively new to Stories.Com, but I feel at home and welcomed. I very much enjoy the stimulation and encouragement to keep it up.(Although sometimes I am so involved with stories or poems to write, I negelect other life's duties.) I appreciate the opportunity to display my talents in a professional manner, AND have it viewed and praised by authors of such high quality and talent. I feel honored to be among their numbers. So a thank you to the StoryMistress and the Storymaster, great work by you both!
      It's a Writer's Fish Market! I had joined the group just in December. Before that I moved around to a few other writers' websites, too. But what makes this site smell different, is made possible by its vast members - writers and readers. Then, instead of centralising the writing and reading activity, you have so beautifully created a decentralised structure - small, small groups with their own noble agendas - that makes it distinct from the rest. Another distinction and a feather in your cap is allowing reader members to rate the works, creating a rating system and upward mobile structure for writing talents. Kudos!!
-- gautam
      I just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful site. Since joining I have been writing more and better than ever. The contests keep me challenged and inspired and the contact with other writers is just priceless. I feel I've made many friends here in just a short time and the reviews are very helpful. Thank you Stories.Com and keep up the good work, making life a lot more pleasurable and productive for writers.
      Hi, I just wanted to say that I really like your new book reviews. Not only are the reviews an excellent way to find an interesting new read, but they're also a great way to get in touch with other readers who share one's favorite authors and tastes in books. Thanks!
      Ah-h-h! The healing powers of Stories.Com! Just what the doctor ordered! I joined the site because I love to read. Before I knew it, I had a portfolio! What a delightful ego booster Stories.Com has been for me! More importantly, I have met some the world's most sensitve and caring people right here at Stories.Com. Thank you, writers, for allowing me the chance to entertain myself with your work. Thank you, readers, for your kind support and helpful criticism. Thank you StoryMaster and StoryMistress for allowing me to have this opportunity to enrich my life. May there be plenty of pens in Heaven!
      Like all the testimonials I have read so far, I am glad I found Stories.Com. I am an old writer looking for a new audience. I am too computer iliterate to find this easy, but hey, we do the best we can. I would really like to have some reviews. I may be too old or out of date for this method of writing.
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