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Member Testimonials
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      Writing.Com has allowed my friends and family who live far away to read my writing. I also want to improve my writing, so the reviews are a great tool to keep me motivated. The authors on this site, I know will keep me on my toes to finish all of my novels. What a site! I must say the writers and readers on this site are magnificent lamplighters. Who would've thought this aspiring novelist would attempt poetry, now one will be published, thanks to Writing.Com members' support. I went from Chapter 7 to Chapter 22 of "Alien Bond: Spring of Life" within just seven weeks; I've never been so productive! I actually had a few members asking me when there would more, and that made all the difference.
      I love your website!!! Ever since I found out about you guys back when you were Stories.Com, you have made me a better writer. There are people out there that help each other out even with the tiny things, and boy does it help.
I just want to say that I know you're helping young aspiring writers to reach their full potental. Once again, thank you for being here for me. If it wasn't for you, I would have stopped writing for a long while.
      I was searching the Web for a site that caters to aspiring writers like me... and I'm so glad to find it on Writing.Com! The moment I first logged on here, I knew I'd get addicted--and I mean it! This is a great online community, and everyday sure makes me look forward to write great stuff--in a time when I thought I'd completely run out of ideas. I only specialize in essays, but being here makes me think, "Hey, I can also do poetry, short stories, anything else!" Writing.Com truly motivates me, and I know many others also feel that. Thank heavens for Writing.Com and its wonderful angels!
      When I first discovered Writing.Com (then Stories.Com), I had not written in a long time. I was insecure about my writing, and had forgotten much of what I had learned in high school. Through reading the excellent authors here, receiving helpful reviews, and reviewing others, I have improved drastically in my writing. The people here are wonderful, creative and extremely talented. I recommend this site to all my writing friends, and to anyone who is just looking to read a good story! Write On!!
      I joined Writing.Com 2 weeks ago after searching for a place like this for years. I have been writing since the tender age of 5 and think that this site is simply the best. To be with a community of other authors that are seriously devoted to their craft and willing to critique you on yours is one of the greatest blessings a writer could have. I have already made new friends, written 1 story which has had great reviews, and am still loving it. THIS SITE ROCKS!!!!
-- AliKat
      I have not been on Writing.Com for a very long time, but so far I have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of new people, reading tons of poems and stories, and getting reviews on my poetry. I think it is wonderful what this website offers to people. Ever since I began writing I have wanted to share my talent with others and recieve help on my poetry. By coming to this website I have recieved all that I wanted for my writing. I have been given helpful ratings and reviews on all of my works. I plan to continue writing and posting my pieces on this website. It has been a wonderful experience through it all.
      This has been one of the BEST sites I have found on the web that helps keep me and my writing organized not to mention a great way to keep myself from getting a terrible writer's block. I love to read others as well as get feedback from my own work on the site. It keeps me going in a positive writng direction. Let's face it, family is not always supportive when the bacon is not there to bring home. The money is just not in the writing career. Unfortunate but the total truth. Thank you SMs!!! Please keep the site up and running.
      Writing.Com has been the experience of my writing lifetime. I'm beyond privledged to have found such a unique, gracious, and giving batch of writers willing to go the extra step to help me and themselves to perfect the art of being an author. Salut! Writing.Com, I'm off to the U.S. Army.
      I love writing, it really makes life more interesting, and it's great to have somewhere to show my work. I feel so pleased when I get a review or find that my new item has a high rating. Writing.com gives us so much control over how our items are presented too.
      Like quite a few on this site I stumbled upon this jewel of a site by chance. Searching the web for a decent monologue, this site came up on one of the search engines. This was when the site was still called "Stories.Com." Along with acting, writing is another of my favorite pastimes, and this is the perfect site for any aspiring author who wishes to see their works displayed to the public. I threw myself in with so many other writers like myself. I was suprised to see how many aspiring authors there are! A good writer is not a common thing but this site has a truly amazing collaboration of them!
      I joined this site when it was still Stories.Com and have stuck with it while it changed to Writing.Com. It's such a great site! Everyone is always so friendly, and they really help you become a better writer, even when YOU did the reviewing! People, 95% of the time, respond to your reviews, and no matter how you reviewed them, they're usually very pleased with your comments, and can even teach you a thing or two! When I joined I wasn't really big on writing, but now I find myself carrying a notepad everywhere, just in case I get some inspiration.
      Writing.Com is the best writing site I have ever logged onto. The people are very friendly, and the quality of writing is very high. The commentary I have gotten on my own writing has been very helpful and constructive. I am happy to make Writing.Com my writing home. *Smile*
      In August of 2001 my younger sister passed away. I dealt with it as I deal with everything in my life: I wrote. I honestly don't recall how I stubled upon Writing.Com, but I did. This site gave me a place to channel my grief and anger. I don't know what I would have done without it.
Having a place where I can freely express myself means more than I can say... and THAT says a lot!
      I can't say how much I love this place. I've gotten great feedback from loads of members on my stories and poems, and the support for writers here is wonderful. I, unlike many others, did not come upon Writing.Com (then Stories.Com) by accident, but I am just as surprised by what I've found here as most probably have. I can't believe how wonderful the people here are, and I'm happy to say that I know, without a doubt, that I've become a better writer since I came here. Writing.Com has given me the confidence I need to write, as well as the pride to be able to call myself a writer.
      Okay -- I'm another NEWBIE. I joined this website a little over two weeks ago and I know my life changed dramatically because of it. I discovered the website through a recommendation from another writing site in one of their updates. To be honest, I haven't been back to that site since then. At times I've been overwhelmed here. First, when I got up the nerve to create a portfolio and posted several poems. The ratings were wonderful but the reviews meant even more. Finally, I posted (what I consider my heart's desire as far as writing goes) a short story hoping to receive feedback. As a journalist, it's sometimes hard to remember I can write more than "just the facts." I've recommended this site to friends, both writers and non-writers. And I've told all my family about this wonderful place. I've visited other sites and never felt comfortable. But here, I feel as if I have come home. My only real problem is that my internet provider is S-L-O-W and I can become slightly discouraged. Thank you, oh great webmaster in the sky, for enriching my life.
      It's been a few months since I joined this website. It's a blessing, I've always wanted to write stories that would be read by other people. I thank everyone working on this website; they're making this place the coolest site to be at on the net!
-- Agari
      I found out about Writing.Com through another member, who happens to be my son. So I joined and I’m so happy that I did. It’s the best thing that's ever happened to me. It’s very stimulating and it keeps my mind alert and my heart youthful. I’m meeting wonderful people on this site and enjoying taking part in some of the forums and groups. I get tremendous pleasure putting my thoughts into text. I’m surprised at the amount of entries that I have already submitted. Even if nothing of mine ever gets published, I’m thrilled to see my work displayed and overjoyed when I see other members read and rate so many items in my portfolio. I can’t praise this site any more than I have already. It’s a great place for the young and the old alike. One way or another, we all have that something special to give to others. In doing so, we are satisfying our own dreams. If you’re looking for a site to write whatever is in your heart, this is the place.
-- Dottie
      Absolutely addicting. I laughed. I cried. I jumped up and down when I got my good review. I joined two days ago and I can't stop. My homework isn't getting done. I'm not sleeping any more. Once you start reviewing people, they start reviewing you back. I keep reading more great stories and getting more feedback. The rating system is great and the writers are friendly. There's so much to do you'll never get bored. I highly recommend anyone who loves writing to join.
      Writing.Com is my mother, my father, my teacher, my student, my interest, my joy, everything. I spend hours on the site and the community is perfect. My portfolio is my voice to my soul, and Writing.Com has made it possible. My life apart from this site is harsh, and only lately that it is starting to look brighter. I'd like to thank the site for their great ideas, their forever-positive attitude, and for being there through everything.
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for almost two years now since it was Stories.Com. I have enjoyed the stories of fellow writers as well as having them read mine. My fellow writers here have given me great feedback and tips to improve my stories. If you are a beginning author or have been at it awhile this is the place to come.
      Like most of you here, I have a passion for good writing that defies description. I have been reading since I was five, and writing since I was about seven or eight. It's one thing that I love to do that I feel like I am supposed to be doing. I found this site by a stroke of luck and I absolutely love it here. The authors are bright and intelligent, and the review system is encouraging. I have received very good comments on my work here, plus some constructive criticism. I am grateful to have a place I can go to read new stories or post some of my own work. I feel like I am home here at Writing.Com. I highly recommend this site to you!
      I've been here for a year now, experiencing the sights and sounds of this online community. I can't express how much this site has helped me, or in what ways it's helped. Writing.Com has been an emotional venting ground, a community of helpful people, and a place to just hang out. All the people I've met here have been great, from the friends I've gained to the casual observers who check out my stuff occasionally. Writing.Com is one of a kind, and I'm glad I found it, completely by accident, that day in February 2002...
      Being a 14 year old, there is room for improvement in my writing. Writing.Com is where I find it. If I write a story on here, I get motivated because I know someone will honestly tell me what they think, no matter what, because I don't know them. Writing.Com lets me explore many different types of writing, read other people's writing, and write my own. I would suggest this site for any reader or writer. This site is especially good for teens.
-- Fire
      By the time I graduated from high school in June 2001, everything I had ever written had been written for school, and the only people who ever read what I wrote were my parents, my teachers, and I. In October of that same year, for a reason that will elude mankind for eons to come, I started writing a short story in my spare time at college. I soon realized that I had released a beast that could not be controlled. That monster ran amok, and when it finally ended its rampage, it had become my nearly 60,000 word novel, Quorilax. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with this behemoth, so I decided that I would chain it up and put it on display for all to gawk at. But where? Then a friend told me about Writing.Com (Stories.Com at the time), and now people from Vancouver to Vladivostok and Stockholm to Sydney can gaze upon it. While Quorilax remains my pride and joy, I have added several other items to my portfolio – from the old to the new and the poetry to the prose – and I have made many great friends and read many great works. My wonderful experience here at Writing.Com reached an all-time high this week when I was given my first awardicon on Monday and Preferred Authorship the next day. I write this testimonial on Friday, February 14, 2003, because I feel that there is no better day than Valentine’s Day to say “I love you, Writing.Com!”
      Writing.Com has worked wonders on my writing. I've always loved to write ever since I could spell and read, yet have had no one to actually help me improve upon what I already have. Writing.Com has changed that. A friend recommended me to the site a year or two ago, but I nearly forgot about it until just a couple of months ago. I reshaped my old account and voila! I'm getting extremely helpful reviews, as well as giving some too. I hope to start a reviewing group soon, dedicated to giving out helpful reviews. Well, I've wasted enough space on Writing.Com's memory, so I shall depart now.
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