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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
Showing 876 through 900 of 1,144 total testimonials

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      This site is so awesome! I have been searching for a place to post up my poems and lyrics for constructive critism. And not only do I get reviews on my works, but I also make friends! Everyone here is so nice. It's really great to have a place that's understanding and can appreciate the fine arts.
      I first found Writing.Com when it was Stories.Com. I have always loved to read, and my Dad would ask me once in a while why I wasn't reading online books-- so I decided to do a search for stories online... which brought me to this site. It looked facinating. When I got a desktop computer, I thought about joining. It didn't take me long to decide that it would be an exciting thing... I haven't been here long; but I have enjoyed it. It has made me more self-confident about my writing skills, and it is fun as well. For me, this site has been very enjoyable; I even find myself writing more than I used too... which really changes your perceptions of stories sometimes! I would recommend this site. There are some really good stories in here, and they can be worth the time it takes to find them.
      Hi, I've recently just found Writing.Com. I truly enjoy coming into this site and reading other authors' stories and being able to write freely. Writing.Com, you all are a joy and I thank you.
-- nada
      This is more than a community here. It's like a small city. Every time I think I've seen all there is to see, I'm pleasantly surprised! In only 3 months I've not only found an outlet for my writing, I've gotten 99.5% useful constructive feedback, I've met a mentor, made friends and been adopted as a grandson by Jenny Wren! I can't ask for better. I'm even getting used to all the references to boogers. *Smile* Thanks Writing.com!
      When I first found Writing.Com, I didn't do anything with it but then when an email came saying my membership was going to be cancelled due to inactivity I quickly signed back up. Since then I have upgraded my membership so I could put novels in and have more portfolio items. I love getting comments on my poems and looking for new stories to read. Thank you so much Writing.Com for making me put my items out there.
      Writing.Com is the first ever writing website I've been to. It is a good place, and everyone makes me feel welcome around here. I've enjoyed writing but I show my work to few people I know as I'm rather shy. Writing.Com gives me a chance to show my work to people and let them rate me although my works have not been rated yet. I've sent in my entry to a first fantasy writing story and I hope to see how I fair compared to the other writers here. It's a great website. :)
-- Ron
      If you're a frequent guest to Writing.Com, all I can say is "What are you waiting for? Join now!" There are so many benefits to being a member. This is a wonderful site to give or gain feedback and make new friends. I am so glad I stumbled across it!
-- Imzadi
      I was always looking around for a website to put my poetry up and finally I found Writing.Com. Not only do I get to read other's writings but they get to read, rate, and review mine. It's a very good setup and I really enjoy the organized look of it all. About a week after I joined I paid for a upgraded membership so I could put up more of my writings. It was definitely worth it. My time here at Writing.Com is well spent.
      FIRST TESTIMONIAL: My entry into Writing.Com was rather oblique. I started translating into English some popular Hindi movie songs for non-Hindi knowing members of a mailing list. Having got appreciation for that, I started writing my own ghazals in Hindi, but, these had again to be translated into English for those not knowing Hindi. After I had written about 50 ghazals bilingually, a friend suggested I join Writing.Com. After joining Writing.Com, I was not active on it for a month as I found the site too complex and rather cumbersome. But, once I spent some time on it and got used to its intricacies, I am now a part of it; rather, it is now a part of me. I can’t visualize myself as being separated from it. It might look laughable, but I do spend long hours on it. I have spent almost all my waking time in last 48 hours on this site, yet, it does not seem to be enough. There is so much here—learning newer poetry forms, writing styles, constructive feedback, contests, prizes, knowledge base in various disciplines, entertainment, an interactive community, etc. etc. Joining Writing.Com has transformed my life. I am not the same person any more. This seems to be, to me, the third major change in my life: FIRST, developing into a medical professional; SECOND, developing as a lawyer specializing in medico-legal area; THIRD, developing as a poet. I am lucky to have found and joined Writing.Com. SECOND TESTIMONIAL: I wrote a testimonial when I was 6 months in writing.com. Now 16 more months have passed and I think it is time I update my thoughts about Writing.Com. Writing.Com has made a poet out of me and the best way to send a tribute for this would be in the form of a poem! **** I NEVER THOUGHT A DAY WOULD COME / I never thought a day would come / When I would set aside
My scalpel and my stethoscope /
And also my coat white. / I never thought a day would come /
When I would be in black, /
Arguing in the courts of law /
That my client is not bad. / I never thought a day would come /
When I would be contrite /
So as to say I’m a poet /
And poems I do write. / I owe it to Writing dot Com /
That I write poetry /
In rhyming traditional form and /
Syllablic symmetry. /
Thanks, for teaching poetry, to /
Writing dot Com are due. /
It taught me to write and also /
How to send a review. / * Written in 8-6-8-6, abcb format. THIRD TESTIMONIAL: As I complete my four years on writing.com today, I do so with a sense of achievement in having metamorphosed from a novice to someone who knows a few of the tricks of the trade, courtesy this unique site. WDC, as the site is often called, has the following unique and distinctive features that set it apart from others: rating system; review system; incentive system for reviews; GP award system for contest winners and reviewers; community recognition score system; and, a system of a variety of paid memberships, all of which can be purchased for cash or through accumulated GP. It is a pleasure and privilege to be a member of writing.com. It has taught me a lot.
      All that I can say is that this is the best webpage I've found.
      I sort of stumbled upon Writing.Com by accident but boy am I glad I did. I had been struggling to become published for more than ten years and now, thanks to Writing.Com, I will soon have several of my children's stories published. This writing community is a perfect place for both the novice and experienced writer to receive constructive, positive and honest reviews. I'm glad there is a place like Writing.Com for writers to come together and receive encouragement and support.
      I believe that only very special and gifted people could have created this place. I have only been a member for a short while, and it is already a very enjoyable part of my life. I am saving for a lap top so I can be online more often in this creative, generous, and friendly community.
You have given thousands of people so much. This is not just a place to develop writing skills, but also a place of friendship and support. A place to express feelings, and to relieve stress. A place for people to share their souls. Hundreds of years ago, people used to tell stories instead of watching television. Sadly, that tradition has been lost. You have recreated this tradition in a modern setting. You should be so proud. Thank You.
      I found Writing.Com by accident, while looking for a site about famous authors. I found something that was totally different than what I had been looking for, but am now truly happy to have done so. I've found many people who are interesting and compassionate, yet also a place where I can post my own writing. To have people who will take the time to read it, then give me a review. This is an excellent site, and I have told all my friends about it.
-- mal
      WoW! I've only been a member for a short while. I actually found this page while looking for fanfiction, but I'm glad I did. The people here are so full of encouragement and advice! I love it. At thirteen, I am an avid writer and hope to possibly have a career in writing. A big thank you to Writing.Com for helping me develop my skills and style!
      When I first joined Writing.Com, I had only done it because my one friend in school had told me about it. I'm really not a great writer. But, as the months went by, I realized that this site is very cool, and now I love it! I still don't write all that well, but it allows me to get my feelings out and just express who I am! I've told people I know about it, and they love it too! Thanks for the inspiration and the experience, Writing.Com!

      Every once in a while when I try to find some use for the internet other than my e-mail I type www. then some random word, then .com and I see what I come up with. It just happened that I typed www.writing.com and this page came up. I come here all the time now and I think it's tremendous. I think knowing that people are actually reading my work helps me to make sure I keep going with it. If this were a video, I'd be pulling out a pack of mentos and smiling like an idiot right now!
      I joined Writing.Com just over a month ago and I'm STILL discovering new things to do here! Not only can I spend countless hours simply reading or amusing myself with the numerous activities offered here, but it is also a space where I can share my writing and get useful feedback from other writers. Writing is necessarily a solitary activity, but Writing.Com is like a new home with thousands of family members who share a common passion for writing!
      I'd just like to say a huge THANK YOU to Writing.Com. I'm a newbie teenager and have only been a member for just over a week, but already this community has been promoted to my browser home page! I've always had poetic ideas locked up inside me, and have never had the courage and opportunity to let them loose. But thanks to this site I've entered a whole new world of encouraging authors and features that have allowed me to make my mark as a budding poet. This site is the ideal sanctuary to escape to, away from the real world. Thank you again for giving me the space to let my inner poet run free!
      I remember when I came to Writing.Com to read stories. It was great to see a site that allowed members to express themselves and share with others! I kept coming back and reading, until one day I decided to join. And did! Now I visit the site every single day to participate in contests and read new pieces, as well as post my own :) But what's greatest of all about it is that it encourages me to write more. To show more and to get more feedback, and I couldn't have done it without the support of the site :) Thank you!
      It has been a short while since I joined this wonderful community of writers and poets. The encouragement I gained in this short time cannot be measured. Thank you all for your support and for the suggestions you give me... God bless you!
      Writing has never been my thing. I've gone through life being boring and mundane. Reading but never trying to write anything of my own. That was before I descovered Writing.Com and my creative brain, which had lain dormant for so long, suddenly leapt into action!! Writing.Com has changed my life, lifting me from the lows of internet boredom and propelling me to the dizzy heights of one who is never ever ever stuck for something to do, read or write. This site has the biggest and best collection of un-published work you will ever see!! I love it, and I know anyone would.
-- eobo
      Like a lot of other members, I stumbled onto Writing.Com accidentally. I joined, then promptly got writer's block. I began reading other members' items, and became inspired myself. I actually look forward to the critiques, (good or bad) and reviews that people have sent me on my items. Since then, I've been telling everyone I know about Writing.Com. Thank you for giving me an outlet for my writing!
-- Steve
      Dear Writing.Com~ I've always loved reading and writing and do what I can to enhance both. I learned about the site from my Writer's Digest Newsletter, and one innocent little click got me addicted to this word Utopia. In a matter of hours I was a member with two items it my portfolio, two submitted reviews, a feeling of ecstacy, and the premonition that THIS is how I'll spend the rest of my summer. Thank you so much for a great, smoothly-run, and well-organized site.
      I just joined Writing.Com 5 days ago... I've learned and gained so much from reading and reviewing other people's writing. I've met some wonderful people who are always full of encouraging words and suggestions. I'm only 13 years old, but no matter what your age, Writing.Com can help. It's a great community, very friendly, and I love it!
      Like so many others, I was "surfing the web", not looking for anything in particular, except a place to display my stories. I found it here at Writing.Com [it was Stories.Com then] last November (2002). This is a growing group and I reccommend it to anyone and everyone who has even thought about writing. The group overall is very knowledgeable and most of all very sincere and honest in criticizing your work. I have found a home here at Writing.Com and am very pleased to have been promoted to Preferred Author on 02-July-03.
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