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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
Showing 951 through 975 of 1,144 total testimonials

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      Writing is a very personal experience. For me, it has always been a private journey, one that I only shared with my closest family and friends. I was very skeptical at joining an online community of writers; so skeptical that it took me two years of searching, evaluating and quietly moving on. Then I came across Writing.Com. From the very beginning, I was made to feel as one of their own and that I indeed had a home with this special breed of people. I was extremely humbled at the care, encouragement and kindness given me by other writers. I am proud to take my place with them, to work with, learn from, and, however small, to help them in their journeys as writers. Simply put, I have found my home here at Writing.Com! Thank you To the members, from the staff-who have demonstrated great care and detail to their comments to us-to the newbie who is just beginning their journey with us and adding to our ranks for making Writing.Com the best writing community on the web!
      The best thing about Writing.Com is the site's versatility. Both static items and interactive features are offered for members and guests, surely igniting imaginations everywhere. Promoting one's work is greatly encouraged, and at Writing.Com, self promotion is easy for everyone. Best of all, any kind of [static] item can be posted regardless of length, and if anyone wants to read my work (be it colleges or relatives), I can point them in one direction: Writing.Com.
      In June, it will have been two years since I became a member of Writing.Com. I have seen it grow so much since then. I truly have an addition to this site. I enjoy my writing but also reading what others write. It inspires me. I have always had a problem with staying on the site too long no matter how hard I try to limit my time. I know I am addicted to it, but it feels great! I have grown so much as a writer and made lots of friends along the way!
      Writing.Com has really given me a chance to "Publish" my work and see what others think of it! Writing.Com is a great website for people of all ages and I hope they continue to run it!
      Perhaps it is the wonderful reviews I can gain from here. Maybe the idea of just having an online portfolio to show to my friends. Possibly the astoundly and huge community of great writers alike. There is no single reason that I joined this site. And there is no single benefit either.
      I discovered Writing.Com just a couple of months ago, and I am already completely addicted. What a wonderful place to come and post my writing, old and new. I receive wonderful reviews and advice, and I am able to return the favor by reviewing the work of others. Writing.Com is a great community as well-so warm and inviting. I love this place!
      Writing.Com discovered ME! Until June 2002, I was the typical frustrated writer. I’d paid once to have one of my poems published in an anthology several years before and granted, it did make me feel good, but there was something missing. NO FEEDBACK! There were no literary smiles portrayed through words of acceptance, no “You go for it Teapotter, GREAT writing!” I received what I paid for, a yearly anthology with my one poem embedded within a multitude of others. I had tried several other writing sites, yet none offered what Writing.Com offers. I as now a member of an elite allegiance of friends with a common purpose and that purpose to me is to give to others- ourselves! I am both proud and humbled at being selected as a Preferred Author here at Writing.Com. This is indeed an honor and proves that people here DO pay attention. I am also pround to say that I have just mailed my check in to upgrade my membership to Premium. In doing so, I feel I have increased my capabilities tremendously and show my whole-hearted support for a wonderful writing site now called Writing.Com.
      I joined Writing.Com a few months ago and it was a wonderful decision! Thankfully, one of my favorite authors moved here and let everyone know in her bio. I clicked the link, fell in love with this site immediately, and that is how I found a happy home for ALL my writing. FREEDOM! Thank you, Writing.Com!
      What can I say except: Thank you.
      I remember exactly how I found Writing.Com. I was looking through the internet for a place to put down my thoughts in an online journal, since typing for me is easier than using a paper and pen because of my arthritis. When I clicked on the link to Writing.Com, I was amazed to find that not only was this a place to keep that journal, but there were so many more things to explore; I haven't even touched a quarter of them six months later! I wouldn't give up this place now for the world, and even upgraded to a premium account so I can take full advantages of everything. I've met some great people here, found some awesome things to read/particpate in, and I am constantly recommending Writing.Com to everyone that I know who loves to write and read as I do. I hope Writing.Com stays around a long time to come, because I can't imagine not having it here to log into every day!
      I came to Writing.Com in August of 2002. I fell in love with it within minutes. It's a great place for me to write all those stories I have created in my head and for all those stories lying around the house. Here, not only can I post my stories, but people can read them as if they were published, and I can get feedback on them. Campfires are fun and I've always enjoyed interactive stories. This site is for anyone who enjoys writing and wants others to read
their stories!
      I have only been a member of Writing.Com since December 15, 2002 and already I've purchased an upgraded membership. This website is invaluable for writers; it has motivated me to write more often and is a wonderful place to read, critique, enter contests, and have fun! I still have a lot to find out about the seemingly inexhaustible resources and activities here, and I'm really looking forward to delving in deeper.
      This site changed my life in so many ways. I was about to give up writing all together until I found this fabulous site. I love all the postiive feedback I get from my fellow writers. I made several good friends, too. This site is an essential tool to any writer looking to be published or for honest reviews. The people are so nice here. I also like that we have all kinds of ages, races, and people on this site. Thank you for becoming my muse.
      It was by accident that I discovered Writing.Com and from then on, I kept logging in everyday since I first registered. Writing for me is something that doesn't wear out from my system. Like my faith, writing has become a daily habit and it is strengthened more and more as I exercise it. I am indeed happy and excited to be a part of Writing.Com.
      I have had chronic fatigue syndrome all my life, and at age 39, I'm bored out of my mind. I just happened to come across this site and have posted some of the things I have written and published in the past. I have had immediate responses. It makes me feel like I exist again! And reading others' writing makes me feel like others exist, too! I'm so isolated and this has given me a community... a reason...
-- Dhyana
      I have yet to read a testimonial that attests to the negative side of Writing.Com. I have read a gross of these things and no one's pen work does less than hand out five stars to this great site. So, I take it upon myself to set the record straight and register a fault, which I will put in the form of a question. Why is it that every time I log on to Writing.Com it takes so long for me to log off; sometimes hours? Please help me to understand.
Kindest personal regards,
      I joined Writing.Com a year ago. It has grown to include so many new features since I signed on, all of which make it easier to use. The community of writers has been very supportive and has given some great feedback. Just recently, based on feedback I received for a poem, I decided to create a forum to gather poetry from Writing.Com members for publication. I received 11 entries for the book, 2 Writing.Com members offered to help me judge the entries and I received over 65,000 Gift Point donations for the project, all in less than a week! The spirit of writing lives!
      I have been with Writing.Com for a few months now. I would like to thank you for allowing me to go through the site & read all the stories. It's great. I have always wanted to write stories, but never had the confidence to do it. Now after seeing all these stories I feel like I can also write. Thanks again for being there for me in tough times.
-- anna
      Writing.Com helped save my sanity, what I had left after teaching for twenty-five years. A friend wanted me to read some of her work on then Stories.Com. I looked, and I was hooked. After retiring because of health reasons, I needed a portfolio, a place to go to find myself. Writing.Com did that for me. Not only did I find a creative outlet for myself, I found wonderful new friends scattered all over the world. Thank you.
      These words of praise are loooooooong overdue. What I like best about Writing.Com are the people. I've met some remarkable writers and made some very close friends here. I also LOVE all the options that are available. There's always something else for me to learn here... something else to try. I also like that it's free... being the cheap beggar that I am. Keep up the good work Writing.Com!

      I have only been registered on Stories.Com for a week or so. I’m addicted. For several years I have wondered around the Web stopping from time to time at sites for writers. Most are filled with writers complaining to each other or asking questions they should not ask of other writers. As an artist and writer who has designed and built many web sites I am blown away at the depth of the site and insight into the creative minds that drive it. You guys are worth every penny for membership and I’m putting a check in the mail for my upgrade. Thank you for making this a rewarding experience and plan to direct all my friends to your site.
-- rawice
      I found Stories.Com a few months ago. It has been a great way to keep in touch with some writing friends who moved away. The site is a wonderful resource for feedback and support, I've become an addict! Congrats on your new web name Writing.Com and thanks for providing such an amazing site for writers!
-- Leigh
      A friend of mine whom some of you may know told me about Stories.Com. Grandma Penny is her name. Hanging out in this nice community with such good friends has really made me know that good people still exist, so now I just can't stay away. I'm visiting this nice neighborhood everyday. I'm thankful for all the nice people and Grandma Penny.
-- sis
      I love to write. I've been wanting to write for a long time now. I've been looking all over the internet for a place where I could write stories. I found it! Stories.Com! I love this site. It lets me write what I want and when I want. Thank you, Stories.Com, for being here and letting me be who I am.
      I first came to Stories.Com in order to check out an old friend's portfolio. We no longer keep in touch but I will forever remember her for the gift she gave me by introducing me to this site! Never in my life would I have thought that such a wonderful place could exist for writers! I've received some of the most honest and insightful reviews of my work on this site and it's really helped me grow as a writer. Before joining I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, but now I'm positive that I want to be published and I want to teach creative writing. Stories.Com helped shape the person I hope to be. A special thanks to the StoryMistress and Master, without you guys a lot of people would be lost...
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