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Wordsmitty ✍️
about 4 hours ago
In response to "20240622 Public Consumption Of Your Work
I've gotten reviews of a few things I have on here that truly enlightened me. I didn't know I had written it that way, but it made more sense and sounded like I knew what I was doing. To me, it was just a story about people and things.

I really do try not to think about why I'm writing something. It gets me confused and alienates the muse.
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Marvelous Friend
about 9 hours ago
In response to "update on my crazy life
Thanks everyone for the comments and support and understanding. It has been very stressful and exhausting. It has impacted me emotionally and physically. Spiritually, it has been a growing experience. I am glad I have a God that is bigger than all my problems. I don't know that I could get through it all without him. This definitely makes you rethink everything you take for granted in life and everything you hold near and dear. You find out things about the people you are close to both good and bad. It's been a very trying and tough time in my life.
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Lyn's a Witchy Woman
about 11 hours ago
In response to "Powers
It would be an awesome gift to share with lots of people if we could.

It's a fun story, I could easily see your son hovering over you. Nicely woven, Joy!
Lyn's a Witchy Woman
about 13 hours ago
In response to "Magic Pain Reliever
Sounds like we all need this magic power in our lives.
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Wordsmitty ✍️
about 14 hours ago
In response to "Visiting Little House - the 50th Anniversary Festival
When I was in fourth grade, the teacher read to us from the books during the break after we had lunch. (To get all the grades feed, it took several sections and the rest of the time was like a study perood or what the teacher wanted to do) I believe that she got through all but the last book and encouraged us to read it. I can't recall if I did. They always held my attention.

As for the show, I may have watched some espisodes, but really don't remember much about them, but I do remember many of the images from the books. Just proves that it's the story that matters. *Smile*
🌸 pwheeler - love joy peace
about 14 hours ago
In response to "update on my crazy life
Praying for you right now. *Pray* May God help you adjust to your new home and heal you and the dog and show you the way forward.
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Kåre Enga in Montana
about 16 hours ago
In response to "I'll Scream within my Dream
Time to consider entering this or one of your other recent poems into Poetic Traditions (as you have before).

Nicely done.
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about 16 hours ago
In response to ""Getting lost" Bard's Hall Entry #7 June 2024
Kåre Enga in Montana Can't say I've been lost for long either. I used to get lost a lot when I first moved to Southern California.... Great song, by the way! I flew over San Jose last month. It's huge now.
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Simply Me
about 16 hours ago
In response to "Magic Pain Reliever
" Unfortunately, it is only in imagination." Wait what?
about 17 hours ago
In response to "Ekalaka
Averren There is a certain beauty in the isolation - the plains. Thanks for your comment.
Kåre Enga in Montana
about 18 hours ago
In response to "Wish for Summer Snow
I went from 108 to 35 when I came back to Montana. And yes, it snowed; but, now the heat will finally settle in at the end of June. Oh, how we suffer. *Smile*

At least in Thailand we had a/c. I will wilt next week.
about 18 hours ago
In response to "Ekalaka
My first duty station in the Air Force was in Rapid City, SD. I love the northern tier states.
Jay O'Toole
about 19 hours ago
In response to "Winter Spice Chamomile
Thank you, Lilli.
Simply Me
about 19 hours ago
In response to "Cool Rockin' Daddy
"I'm sick of sittin' 'round here tryin' to write this book." me too lol
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about 21 hours ago
In response to "Magic Pain Reliever
Yes, I'd love this power, too. Unfortunately, it is only in imagination. Nice take on a difficult prompt. *Smile*
Lilli 🧿 ☕
about 23 hours ago
In response to "update on my crazy life
Oh, my goodness. What a nightmare you've been enduring. I am so sorry this has happened to you! I am keeping you in my thoughts. I am glad you closed all your accounts with that bank - that was a very smart thing to do. Hopefully things get worked out soon.
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Lilli 🧿 ☕
about 24 hours ago
In response to "Winter Spice Chamomile
Lovely, as usual. Winter Spice Chamomile sounds delicious, too!
about 24 hours ago
In response to "Magic Pain Reliever
There is nothing selfish about healing yourself first! It's like the advice about breathing apparatus on aeroplanes. You can look after others better when you're doing well yourself!
A small point - if it's a "deadly car crash" that you survive in this scenario, then somebody else must have died . . .
I wish that you were pain-free - you & me both *Smile*
Polymyalgia Rheumatica does not sound like much fun -
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Jay O'Toole
a day ago
In response to "update on my crazy life
Tough? Sounds like it. So sorry, Sis.

I'm glad you still have your dear fur baby. We had to do that in April. No elf-on-the-shelf. We now have remains-of-dog on the shelf.

Life has become challenging. I'm looking toward the clouds every day. I pray The Lord comes soon. (I Thessalonians 4:15-18, KJV)
Kåre Enga in Montana
a day ago
In response to "update on my crazy life
I don't enjoy moving. I lose too much ... things, people ... losing friends is the worst.

I only trust banks where they know my name. I'm fortunate to be able to live under my means.

Good to see you back.
Elycia Lee ☮
a day ago
In response to "update on my crazy life
I'm glad you didn't have to put the dog down. Yay to move being over. It is stressful and exhausting.
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a day ago
In response to "Childhood
Simply Me Yes, you are not the only one. Many people say they had not-too-great a childhood. I guess life itself is sweet and sour and so is childhood.
a day ago
In response to "Oh, That Muse!
Simply Me Why not invite him in and offer him coffee and cake instead? Most muses hide their tricks unless we encourage them. *Wink*
a day ago
In response to "Today is the First Day...
Simply Me Thank you for reading and responding to my blog entries. I'm so glad you found them insightful.
Simply Me
a day ago
In response to "Childhood
My childhood was not the best time in my life with the exception of maybe a handful of experiences that rate a high score. But, those moments of bliss endure front and center in my memory and I choose to cherish them.
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